Denis Hains

Strategic Advisory Group

As President & CEO of the company H2i Inc. (, Denis Hains holds a Bachelor in Geodetic Sciences from Laval University, Canada. He worked for 35 years in the Public Service of Canada. He retired as Director General of the Canadian Hydrographic Service & Hydrographer General of Canada, in 2018. Denis Hains is a Global Proactrive Hydrospatial Advocate, and also:

  1. Affiliate Research Scientist with the “University of New Hampshire – Centre for Coastal & Ocean Mapping (UNH-CCOM)”;
  2. Representative of the “United States Canada Hydrographic Commission (USCHC)” on the International Hydrographic Review (IHR) Editorial Board, of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO);
  3. External Advisor to the Ocean Frontier Mapping Committee of “The Nippon Foundation – GEBCO, Seabed 2030 Project”;
  4. Canadian Member on the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) of “The Nippon Foundation – GEBCO, Seabed 2030 Project”;
  5. Vice President of the Board of Directors of the CIDCO (Interdisciplinary Centre for Ocean Mapping Development);
  6. Special Senior Advisor of the Canadian Ocean Mapping Research & Education Network (COMREM);
  7. Canadian Panel Member of the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS), Hydrographic Panel Acreditation Scheme (HPAS);
  8. Member of the Quebec Land Surveyor Modernization Act Committee.