Steve Hall

Head of Partnerships

A Chartered Marine Scientist, Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, and Fellow of the Society for Underwater Technology, Steve has worked in global ocean science, technology and policy for over thirty years, in the fields of sustained ocean observing, marine autonomous systems, policy, industry liaison and outreach. He was Head of the UK delegation to UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission 2013-2017, was elected Vice Chair of IOC 2015-17 and represented IOC at the UN discussions on new governance for areas beyond national jurisdiction. He also led the International Office at the UK’s National Oceanography Centre, served as a tsunami warning national point of contact, and as a policy advisor in areas such as development of the UK’s marine spatial planning system before moving into the private sector in 2017 as CEO for the Society for Underwater Technology, and later as CEO Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum and Marine Energy Wales. He also created the popular ‘Underwater Technology Podcast.’